Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ice Cream Sandwich!

Addison has decided that she LOVES dessert (who doesn't). But, I can't justify candy, cookies, or "junk" after every meal. However, I remembered something my mom used to make for us and we thought it was awesome and it was actually not too bad for us either! I call them "Ice Cream Sandwiches". Here is the EASY recipe!

1 container of light/fat free cool whip
1 pkg honey graham crackers
1 Lg. Ziploc bag

Break the graham crackers in half. Spoon a generous amount of cool whip on the cracker and top with the other half. Put into a large ziploc bag, and repeat. Once the Ziploc is full (or you have run out of the "goods"), zip the bag and place in the freezer. Let the sandwiches freeze for about 2-3 hours, and ENJOY! They are only like 1 or 2 Weight Watcher points, and you & your little ones (and husband in my case!) will be none the wiser!
Addison REALLY loves these and they are a great "bribe" to get her to eat more of the actual meal.
Here are a few pictures of her enjoying her sandwich.