Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New School Year

Well, it is the last day of August and I have no clue where the time went. Seems like yesterday we were getting ready for summer, and now we are getting back into the swing of the school year. We have lots of changes this year! Addison started 3 year old preschool two weeks ago - and LOVES it. She also started ballet (also called "ba-yay") - and LOVES it. Tonight was her first night of Mission Friends and Children's Choir at church - and, you guessed it, she LOVES that, too. She is my social butterfly and anything she can do to interact with friends, she is all about it.
Her teachers at school are Ms. Gwen and Ms. Carrie. She informs me everyday that her best friend is Beasley, and today she decided she had two new best friends (Beasley is still at the top), Jonathan and Sable. On the way home from church we had this conversation
A:  "Mommy, where do you live?"
Me: At your house
A: But, no, Mommy WHERE do you live?
Me: Umm, my house... where do you live?
A: I live in Poplarville AND Mississippi.
Me: (speechless)
She is too smart for her cute little britches! :)
Dossett will be 1 in a matter of days. Today he FINALLY cut his first tooth, which is good because I was starting to think he was going to need dentures at age 3. He pulls up on everything and still loves his Mommy most. He is a snuggler and would rock all night if someone was up to it. He isn't a great sleeper - but he's much better, so you won't hear complaints from me! He has just switched to whole milk - no more formula - and he is doing great with it (as long as it's lactose free).
I am taking 12 hours of Sr. level classes and they are quite intimidating... At the moment I am supposed to be reading Ch. 2 for my history class, but blogging got me sidetracked.
Austin is back in full swing and is itching for basketball to get here! We are crossing our fingers for an awesome Blue Devil season this year!
I guess that is all for now... I'll try to remember to upload some pictures of the kiddos birthday party soon.