Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New School Year

Well, it is the last day of August and I have no clue where the time went. Seems like yesterday we were getting ready for summer, and now we are getting back into the swing of the school year. We have lots of changes this year! Addison started 3 year old preschool two weeks ago - and LOVES it. She also started ballet (also called "ba-yay") - and LOVES it. Tonight was her first night of Mission Friends and Children's Choir at church - and, you guessed it, she LOVES that, too. She is my social butterfly and anything she can do to interact with friends, she is all about it.
Her teachers at school are Ms. Gwen and Ms. Carrie. She informs me everyday that her best friend is Beasley, and today she decided she had two new best friends (Beasley is still at the top), Jonathan and Sable. On the way home from church we had this conversation
A:  "Mommy, where do you live?"
Me: At your house
A: But, no, Mommy WHERE do you live?
Me: Umm, my house... where do you live?
A: I live in Poplarville AND Mississippi.
Me: (speechless)
She is too smart for her cute little britches! :)
Dossett will be 1 in a matter of days. Today he FINALLY cut his first tooth, which is good because I was starting to think he was going to need dentures at age 3. He pulls up on everything and still loves his Mommy most. He is a snuggler and would rock all night if someone was up to it. He isn't a great sleeper - but he's much better, so you won't hear complaints from me! He has just switched to whole milk - no more formula - and he is doing great with it (as long as it's lactose free).
I am taking 12 hours of Sr. level classes and they are quite intimidating... At the moment I am supposed to be reading Ch. 2 for my history class, but blogging got me sidetracked.
Austin is back in full swing and is itching for basketball to get here! We are crossing our fingers for an awesome Blue Devil season this year!
I guess that is all for now... I'll try to remember to upload some pictures of the kiddos birthday party soon.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


    Well. It has been forever it seems like since my last post. So much has happened since then - I don't even know where to begin. For Thanksgiving, Austin, the kids, and I went to Nana and PaPa's house to eat and visit. (Dossett and I spent the morning in the morning at the After-Hours clinic with his first ear infection). That night we let Addison go spend the night with her "ReRe and PaRee", and Austin, Sarah, and I (&D) went to WalMart at midnight to begin Black Friday shopping. Dossett and I stayed in Hattiesburg shopping until 11 am that Friday, and then we came home and crashed!! The next few weeks were basketball games for Austin and finals for me! Austin's team has done a really great job this season. They have played hard for him, and he has been such a great coach to them!

    I am now almost finished Christmas shopping. The kids and I came to Jackson last Saturday to spend some time with my parents. Yesterday and today we went to Greensboro, AL to see my grandparents. We had a great time visiting and catching up. When we got back this afternoon, we took a nap and then Addison and I had a "Mommy/Daughter Date" to Fat Cat Ceramics to paint some pottery pieces. She had so much fun, and I had a blast watching her face light up!

   Speaking of Addison, she is just a doll. Completely full of herself these days, but so sweet. She loves her baby brother and hates for him to cry. She loves sharing her kisses with him to comfort him, and she can make him smile so quickly! She is very loving towards us and her grandparents. Her favorite word is still "No", but we are working on at least turning that into "No Ma'am"! Lol! :)

    Dossett is beginning to slowly get better. His tummy still seems to bother him daily, but he doesn't scream as long as he used to. He has begun smiling, cooing, and even letting out a laugh every now and then. It is the most precious thing. He loves his Mommy - and prefers any woman holding him to men. We are seeing Dr. Paul Parker, a pediatric gastroenterologist at UMC, next Tuesday, and hopefully we will get some answers from him.

   This year for Christmas, traveling will be the norm  for us. We will be back in Poplarville on Tuesday evening the 21st, where we will visit with family. We are spending the 23rd with Austin's parents and spending the night and having "Christmas morning" with them on the morning of the 24th. Christmas Eve we are eating an early dinner with Austin's grandparents and exchanging gifts with them. Then we will load up, travel to Jackson and spend Christmas Eve (night) and Christmas morning with my parents and brother/sister.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ice Cream Sandwich!

Addison has decided that she LOVES dessert (who doesn't). But, I can't justify candy, cookies, or "junk" after every meal. However, I remembered something my mom used to make for us and we thought it was awesome and it was actually not too bad for us either! I call them "Ice Cream Sandwiches". Here is the EASY recipe!

1 container of light/fat free cool whip
1 pkg honey graham crackers
1 Lg. Ziploc bag

Break the graham crackers in half. Spoon a generous amount of cool whip on the cracker and top with the other half. Put into a large ziploc bag, and repeat. Once the Ziploc is full (or you have run out of the "goods"), zip the bag and place in the freezer. Let the sandwiches freeze for about 2-3 hours, and ENJOY! They are only like 1 or 2 Weight Watcher points, and you & your little ones (and husband in my case!) will be none the wiser!
Addison REALLY loves these and they are a great "bribe" to get her to eat more of the actual meal.
Here are a few pictures of her enjoying her sandwich.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


This weekend was the official "Trick-or-Treating" weekend for Poplarville. Friday was when the festivities began, with trick-or-treating on main street at all the stores from 3:30-5:30. Mom and Dad came down, Nana, PaPa, and ReRe came by, and Austin even cut practice short to come home early! Addison was the most precious butterfly I've ever seen! She loved her wings and her antennae! Dossett slept through the whole thing, but was definitely the most adorable caterpillar ever. Addison wasn't so sure about all the people at first, but when she realized that these strangers were filling her bucket up with candy, she changed her tune! We took lots of pictures on Main St. and then came back to the house. Aunt Gin (Add calls her Gi-Gi) and Alysha came by to visit. Gi-Gi dressed up as a butterfly, too!! Everybody ate WAY too much candy... especially Addison who was on a sugar high until today at lunch. It was great though, all in all. Addison loved dressing up and getting candy. More than anything, though, she enjoyed all the attention she got from everyone. I am posting just a very few pictures now, but when I can get the ones off the camera I will post some more (better) ones.

I'm also putting a few up of Grandaddy and Grammy with the kiddos. They happened to be in the same email file, and they are precious, so I'm sharing them with you!

Friday, October 22, 2010


Well, we are back in Poplarville. We had a great visit with my parents -as always. I just wish we hadn't all gotten sick! Dossett and I went to the Doctor on Monday and found out that we had the same virus that Addison had. But, the GOOD news was that D had gained TWO pounds! He weighs 9lbs. 8oz now! Such a little chunk!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Grandparents and The Fair!

    Today was a busy day! Addison, Dossett, and I woke up bright and early and headed to Madison. My grandparents, MawMaw and PawPaw, drove in from Greensboro, AL for the day to meet their new great-grandson! (Also, to see their precious great-granddaughter). It was a really good  visit! We don't get to see them very often, so the visit was welcomed. Addison warmed up to them pretty quickly and, of course, Dossett was just glad to have more arms to hold him! I hated that it was such a short visit, but hopefully we will see them again soon!


 After they headed back home, Mom (Grammy) and I loaded up the kids and headed to the state fair. Since Dossett is so tiny, we don't get to go many places, but since the fair is entirely outside it is one of the few places we can safely take him. I kept him in the moby wrap and covered him with a blanket to keep any curious fair-goers from getting to close. We weren't sure just how Addison would react to the noise and the lights at the fair. SHE LOVED IT. She hit the ground running when we got there. She rode the rides, fed the animals in the petting zoo, and enjoyed the yummy fair food. Her excitement was contagious - I had more fun watching her than anything! For now, I'm going to bed. SHE WORE ME (& Grammy) OUT!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Moby Wrap

So... I was encouraged to get a Moby Wrap. And I did. And now I can't decide if it is the best or worst purchase I've ever made. Haha. Dossett LOVES it, which is great. He loves it so much that he ONLY wants to be in the wrap. He doesn't want to be put down, doesn't want in his car seat, doesn't want in his bouncy seat... but he LOVES the moby wrap! Which is really, really great --- except that he is attached to me all the time now. Literally. On a serious note, the Moby is great. I had him in it today for two hours and was able to clean the kitchen, make up the beds in the house, cook supper, and run bath water for Addison.

Also, this afternoon, I decided to clean out the 4 runner. I had LOTS of good help in the form of a feisty two year old! She had so much fun climbing over the seats and pretending to "rive" (drive). Then she found my change holder and said, "Look Mommy is u mummies" (moneys). I had a great time with her today!